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March 10, 2025

We plan to begin contacting our 2024 season parking pass patrons this week regarding 2025 parking passes. Pass sales will take place through direct communication with patrons. They will not be available for purchase on the web site, and we do not expect to have any parking passes available for new parking patrons due to a loss of parking capacity this season.

Refer to the FAQs below for more information.


Your parking pass purchase supports the Eugene Science Center’s educational programs as well as other community organizations including the Eugene Elks Lodge #357 and the City of Eugene Department of Parks and Open Space.


  • Easy walking access to Autzen Stadium
  • Guaranteed spot, regardless of arrival time
  • Family membership to the Eugene Science Center (which includes membership to the ASTC passport program) with purchase of season pass

Locations (2025)

Eugene Science Center manages two parking lots located adjacent to Autzen Stadium, as shown on the map below.

Rules & Information

Eugene Science Center works closely with: the City of Eugene Police, Fire, and Parks Departments; Oregon Liquor Control Commission; the University of Oregon Athletic and Police Departments; Lane Transit District; and other agencies to ensure safety, compliance with laws and regulations, and to provide the best parking program available.  All parking guests are required to observe the rules and conditions for parking in Eugene Science Center-managed lots. You can read the 2024 rules here.


A season is defined as all regular season home games of the University of Oregon football team played at Autzen Stadium. Conference championship games, playoff games and Spring Game are not part of the regular season.

Car / regular vehicle:   $550

RV / oversized (in South Field RV area only):  $1,000


Yes, we will continue to offer tailgate parking opportunities, but with a decreased capacity. 

Construction of the new paved parking lots around the science center was completed in 2024. Construction related to the re-routing of Leo Harris Parkway is currently taking place and is expected to be completed prior to the 2025 football season.

The new paved parking lot located on the East side of the building (East Lot, former SF1 parking area) is NOT available for tailgate parking in 2025. It will be used for shuttle buses on game day.

Due to a loss in capacity of 95 spots, we will NOT be able to accommodate all of our 2024 season parking patrons for the 2025 season. We will be offering parking passes based on how long patrons have held season passes. Folks who have parked with us for only a few years may not be able to get a pass in 2025. Those patrons may choose to be on the waiting list (and will have priority on the waitlist over new patrons).

Generally, we plan to do this based on a patron’s tenure in ESC parking areas, so that the folks who have had season passes with us the longest will have the first option to continue to park with us and first choice of parking areas.  We’re using accounting and donation records from our database to determine tenure. We will be contacting 2024 season parkers regarding their plans for 2025 and we’ll be using the information we receive to begin allocating parking passes. 

Due to a loss in capacity of 95 spaces for 2025, we will NOT be able to accommodate all of our 2024 season parkers in 2025. When we reach a level of tenure that we will not be able to fully accommodate, we will use a random lottery system to choose which patrons will be offered passes as well as the order of the waitlist. For example, if we do not have enough passes for all of the patrons with 2 years of tenure, we will randomly select from all of the patrons with 2 years of tenure to determine who is offered a pass. Those who are not able to get a pass can be on the waitlist, the order of which will be set by random lottery. In this scenario, all patrons with 1 year of tenure would be randomized and put on the waitlist below the 2-year folks.

We hope to begin selling passes to returning patrons by early March. Pass sales will take place through direct communication with patrons. They will not be available for purchase on the web site.  

No, we have no plans to offer reserved or designated parking areas or spaces for the 2025 season. As in previous years, parking will take place on a first-come, first-served basis, and if you wish to have two vehicles park next to each other, the vehicles need to arrive together.

Yes. The old entry driveway has been eliminated and all ESC tailgate parking areas are now accessed through a new gated parking lot of the East side of our building. Vehicles will also exit through the East Lot. Specific plans for game day traffic flow for 2025 are still being developed. 

Given high demand for parking, we expect that our parking areas will sell out with season parking pass sales, so single game parking passes will not be available, either for advance purchase or on the day of the game. 

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