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Planned gifts made to Eugene Science Center help to ensure the future of science education, while helping donors to enjoy maximized financial benefits for themselves and their families. Planned gifts are donations that help donors combine their philanthropic interests with their personal financial and estate planning needs.

Below are some options for planning giving. It is important to consult with an attorney or financial advisor to understand which option makes the most sense for you and your family.

For questions, or a confidential conversation about your estate plans, please contact Tim Scott (Executive Director) at 541-682-7887 or via email at

education, programs


Bequests can be included in the body of your will, or in a simple, inexpensive codicil added to your existing will. Bequests can be written to leave a specific amount to Eugene Science Center, a percentage of your estate, or the residue of your estate after all other commitments have been satisfied.

Following is sample language that may be used in a will or trust for a gift of general support:
“I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Eugene Science Center, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Oregon, with its principal place of business in Eugene, Oregon (1) the sum of $_______ (or property, securities, etc.) or (2)_______% of the residuary of my estate to be used for the benefit of Eugene Science Center, Inc., for its general use and purposes as the Board of Trustees may direct.”

If your estate will be subject to estate tax, a significant bequest can reduce the taxable portion or bring the value below the taxable threshold.

A living trust is administered through a private process that is not subject to probate. Unlike a will, which does not become effective until death, a living trust controls your assets during and after your lifetime. After signing a living trust, your assets are transferred into the trust. Assets in the trust are not subject to the delay and expense of probate at the time of death.

You can designate a gift of cash, securities, real estate, or other property through your will or living trust. Your gift can be for a set amount or for a percentage of your estate. Many donors prefer to use a percentage because the value of their estate will change over time.

If your gift is for a specific purpose within the science center, please contact us. We can work with you and your advisors to draft gift language that matches your intent.

An insurance policy can be used to make a significant gift to Eugene Science Center and provide a variety of tax benefits. Transferring ownership of a policy provides an immediate tax deduction, while naming Eugene Science Center as a partial or sole beneficiary may result in an estate tax deduction. Often, adding a beneficiary to a life insurance policy can be a simple and inexpensive way to make a planned gift.

Another part of your estate planning may include creating a gift, such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder unitrust, that will provide you and/or loved ones with income for life and immediate tax benefits.

Perhaps the simplest way to make a planned gift is to add Eugene Science Center as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or IRA. All you need is a “beneficiary change form” from your plan administrator. Many plans will allow you to add a new beneficiary online.

  • Anyone with a will can be a planned gift donor
  • Many planned gifts “cost less” than giving cash because of significant tax savings
  • Planned gifts can increase your retirement income
  • A planned gift may help you make a larger donation while simultaneously increasing your current income
  • Support for Innovation: Planned gifts allow Eugene Science Center to pursue innovative opportunities and ideas such as new educational initiatives, partnerships, and exhibit development.
  • Stability: Gifts to the Eugene Science Center’s endowment increase the annual revenue generated by these funds, allowing the science center to weather variations in earned revenues and external financial pressures. A simple way to continue your support is to “endow” your annual gift with a bequest that is 20 times the value of your yearly contribution.
  • Recognition: Major gifts to endow a leadership position or program can provide a donor with prominent named opportunities.
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