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Falling Sky Fundraiser

Falling Sky Brewing 1334 Oak Alley, Eugene, Oregon

Enjoy tasty local beer and food while supporting Eugene Science Center! Present this flyer at any of the 3 Falling Sky locations on Monday, Jan. 29 and 25% of your tab will be donated to Eugene Science Center.  

Total Lunar Eclipse Viewing Party

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Wake up early and head down to the Science Center to enjoy a Total Lunar Eclipse!

Tot Discovery Day: Science Magic

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Explore the magical world of science and learn some really cool tricks. Conjure up levitating magnets, make marbles disappear in water, and have some hair-raising fun with our static electricity generator. Every little magician will love this Tot Day!

Girls’ Science Adventures: Forensics at UO

University of Oregon Campus 1585 E 13th Ave, Eugene, OR, United States

For our first science adventure, girls will put on their lab coats and detective hats to solve a mystery. Forensic science is the application of different scientific fields to examine evidence of a crime and adventurers will get to use chromatography, fingerprint analysis, and more to work out the mystery as a team.

Girls’ Science Adventures: Physics at UO

University of Oregon Campus 1585 E 13th Ave, Eugene, OR, United States

Members of the UO Society of Physics Students will facilitate a morning of science fun! Possible activities include circuits, light, and rocketry.

No School Day Workshop: Brilliant Biology (Grades 1-6)

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Our bodies are amazing! While school is out, join us at Eugene Science Center for a day of discovery. Extract DNA and look at it under a microscope, engineer a working set of lungs, learn about different types of blood cells, and more! To sign up, please email   Cancellation Policy Cancellations made at…


Girls’ Science Adventures: Ecology and Adaptations at the Museum of Natural and Cultural History

UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History 1680 E 15th Ave, Eugene, OR, United States

Students will go to the University of Oregon’s Museum of Natural and Cultural History to learn all about ecology and adaptations. They will investigate ecosystems and learn how plants and animals adapt to changing environments. Students will then explore the adaptations that have led to human limb development.

Oakshire Inspires Fundraiser

Oakshire Public House 207 Madison St., Eugene, United States

February 28, 2018 Join us Wednesday, February 28th at Oakshire Brewing Company where $2 from every pint sold will be donated to the Eugene Science Center. Come down and enjoy quality craft beers while supporting a great local cause! Eugene Science Center Educators will be set up from 5pm to 8pm with hands-on activities for…

Tot Discovery Day: Under The Sea

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Kids will discover the underwater world of the ocean on this Tot Discovery Day. Budding marine biologists can explore shells in our tide pool, carefully feel the sharp edges of real shark teeth, and make their own fish-print paintings. More about Tot Discovery Days

Girls’ Science Adventures: Math at Eugene Science Center

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Members of the UO Association of Women in Mathematics lead us in math morning! Go beyond arithmetic and algebra to see how math can help us understand games, puzzles, codes, and shapes.

Incredible Invertebrates

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Sunday, March 4th, 2018 | 11am - 3pm Did you know 97% of animal species are classified as invertebrates?! Visit Eugene Science Center to meet and learn about some of our favorite 'spineless' species! Included with general admission / Free for members

Girls’ Science Adventures: Geology at UO

University of Oregon Campus 1585 E 13th Ave, Eugene, OR, United States

Ever wonder how rocks form? What makes up the different rocks? How does water move through the ground? Students will explore the answers to these questions as they discover various types of rocks and minerals, form their own crayon rocks, and explore what causes landslides.

Pi Day

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Pi Day - the most delicious day of the year! Join us from 1 to 3pm for hands-on math activities for all ages, all about π! Participation is included with general admission / Free for members.

Girls’ Science Adventures: Astronomy with Astronaut Wendy Lawrence at Science Center

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Get ready for a personalized planetarium experience with Science Factory's Planetarium Director Haley Sharp. Our planetarium explerience will include hands-on activities which demonstrate Earth and Space science concepts. Girls are encouraged to stay at Science Factory until NOON for a very special visit by NASA Astronaut Wendy Lawrence. Families of girls are invitied to join us from 11:00 to NOON for a Q&A session with Astronaut Lawrence.

Spring Break Camp: Cloud Quest

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Spring Break Camp 2018 Cloud Quest March 26 – 30 9am – 4pm FOR STUDENTS IN 1ST – 7TH GRADE After registration closes, campers will be divided into two separate groups based on grade level. Activities and projects are individually designed to be age appropriate for each group. Cloud Quest: Campers will become meteorologists and…

Tot Discovery Day: See! Smell! Hear! Feel!

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Come discover the senses that allow you to explore the world! Toddlers will play a variety of musical instruments to hear what they sound like, make art that utilizes all the senses and examine objects close up under a Pro-scope. More about Tot Discovery Days

Early STEM Storytime

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Eugene-Springfield Summer Camp Fair

Corridor Elementary 250 Silver Lane, Eugene, OR, United States

Visit us at the 2018 Eugene-Springfield Summer Camp Fair at Corridor Elementary. Click here for more information.

Early STEM Storytime

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Earth Day Open House (Free Admission)

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Sunday April 22nd, 10am - 4pm Celebrate Earth Day with your family and friends at Eugene Science Center! This event features free exhibit hall admission, one free planetarium show, and special activities about the science of our favorite planet - Earth! and how scientists study it.

Early STEM Storytime

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Tot Discovery Day: Flower Power

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Spring is in the air! This month, we’ll learn all about nature’s beautiful bloom. Find out about some of the world’s most bizarre buds, as well as how bees help flowers pollinate, and learn about how flowers absorb water from the ground. Join us for floral crafts and science experiments at Tot Discovery Day! More…

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Early STEM Storytime with Sara Glater

Join us in the planetarium for a special STEM storytime with local author and artist Sara Glater and her tortoise Bubbe. Sara will read her new picture book Tortoise Teachings (Lessons in the Practice of Patience). With rhyming affirmations, she describes the importance of taking one's time. During her reading, Sara's beautiful illustrations will be digitally projected…

Museum Open – Memorial Day

We will be open from 10am-4pm on Monday, May 28 with a full schedule of planetarium shows!

Tot Discovery Day: Water Wonders

Oh the wonders of water! Come learn about how water shapes the earth, build a boat with us, find out about the water cycle, and much more! Toddlers can create beautiful art with water. Make sure to wear some exploration-ready clothes as we turn Tot Day into a splash zone! More about Tot Discovery Days

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Summer Camp Week 1: Engineering is Everywhere

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JUNE 25 – 29 SESSION 2: JULY 30 – AUGUST 3 Engineering is Everywhere: Are you an inventor, maker, or mythbuster? Combine your creativity with the engineering design process to take your inventions to the next level! We will tinker, test, and make a mess during this week of design challenges inspired by…


Summer Camp Week 2: Camp Catch ‘Em All

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JULY 2 – 6 SESSION 2: AUGUST 6 – 10 Camp Catch ‘Em All: Calling all Pokémon trainers and animal lovers, this is the camp for you! This week combines zoology lessons with Pokémon- inspired science experiments. Team up on excursions through Alton Baker Park in search of local wildlife and catch virtual…


Summer Camp Week 3: Adventures in Astronomy

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JULY 9 – 13 SESSION 2: AUGUST 13 – 17 Adventures in Astronomy: Step into our Planetarium to explore the solar system and constellations. Design, build, and test your own rocket launcher and rockets. Harness the power of the sun to create a solar oven. Taste freeze dried food like astronauts eat in…


Summer Camp Week 4: Anatomy Academy

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JULY 16 – 20 SESSION 2: AUGUST 20 – 24 Anatomy Academy: Do you wonder what’s inside your body that makes it so amazing? Join the Anatomy Academy to explore the parts and processes that keep humans and other living organisms healthy. Age-adapted dissection or microscope labs will occur each day along with…


Summer Camp Week 5: Dig Into Science

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JULY 23 – 27 SESSION 2: AUGUST 27 – 31 Dig Into Science: There’s a world of discovery to be found right under our feet! Journey through time with us as we use paleontology and earth science techniques to explore fossils, rocks, soils, and what lies beneath the surface of our planet. Watch…


Summer Camp Week 6: Engineering is Everywhere

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JUNE 25 – 29 SESSION 2: JULY 30 – AUGUST 3 Engineering is Everywhere: Are you an inventor, maker, or mythbuster? Combine your creativity with the engineering design process to take your inventions to the next level! We will tinker, test, and make a mess during this week of design challenges inspired by…


Summer Camp Week 7: Camp Catch ‘Em All

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JULY 2 – 6 SESSION 2: AUGUST 6 – 10 Camp Catch ‘Em All: Calling all Pokémon trainers and animal lovers, this is the camp for you! This week combines zoology lessons with Pokémon- inspired science experiments. Team up on excursions through Alton Baker Park in search of local wildlife and catch virtual…


Summer Camp Week 8: Adventures in Astronomy

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JULY 9 – 13 SESSION 2: AUGUST 13 – 17 Adventures in Astronomy: Step into our Planetarium to explore the solar system and constellations. Design, build, and test your own rocket launcher and rockets. Harness the power of the sun to create a solar oven. Taste freeze dried food like astronauts eat in…


Summer Camp Week 9: Anatomy Academy

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JULY 16 – 20 SESSION 2: AUGUST 20 – 24 Anatomy Academy: Do you wonder what’s inside your body that makes it so amazing? Join the Anatomy Academy to explore the parts and processes that keep humans and other living organisms healthy. Age-adapted dissection or microscope labs will occur each day along with…


Summer Camp Week 10: Dig Into Science

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

SESSION 1: JULY 23 – 27 SESSION 2: AUGUST 27 – 31 Dig Into Science: There’s a world of discovery to be found right under our feet! Journey through time with us as we use paleontology and earth science techniques to explore fossils, rocks, soils, and what lies beneath the surface of our planet. Watch…


Musuem Open – Labor Day

We will be open from 10am-4pm on Monday, September 3 with a full schedule of planetarium shows!

Tot Discovery Day: Bubble Bash

Tot Discovery Day returns with a bubble bash! Come join us for a day of bubble fun. Learn all about what makes a bubble a bubble, why they are usually round, and why they pop. We’ll make mysterious smoky bubbles you can hold, giant bubbles you can stand inside, and bubble art you can take…

Science After School

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Friday after school science program for students in K-5th Grade. Registration Required. Learn more about Science After School.

Extended Open Hours

NEW THIS FALL! We're staying open later on Fridays which means you can keep enjoying science 'til sunset! Starting September 7, we will be open every Friday from 10am - 7pm with public planetarium shows. See our planetarium calendar for showtimes and descriptions.

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Science After School

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Friday after school science program for students in K-5th Grade. Registration Required. Learn more about Science After School.

Extended Open Hours

NEW THIS FALL! We're staying open later on Fridays which means you can keep enjoying science 'til sunset! We will be open every Friday from 10am - 7pm with public planetarium shows. See our planetarium calendar for showtimes and descriptions.

Cavalcade of Crawling Creatures: Reptile Roundup

UPDATE 9/16/18 10:00am: Unfortunately the pet shop bringing reptiles has had a family emergency and won't be able to make it to cavalcade today. We anticipate rescheduling their visit for a future date, TBA. We will still be hosting storytime with Sara Glater and a booth about native reptiles with a local herpetologist, and of…

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Extended Open Hours

NEW THIS FALL! We're staying open later on Fridays which means you can keep enjoying science 'til sunset! Starting September 7, we will be open every Friday from 10am - 7pm with public planetarium shows. See our planetarium calendar for showtimes and descriptions.

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Extended Open Hours

NEW THIS FALL! We're staying open later on Fridays which means you can keep enjoying science 'til sunset! Starting September 7, we will be open every Friday from 10am - 7pm with public planetarium shows. See our planetarium calendar for showtimes and descriptions.

Eugene Mini Maker Faire 2018

Eugene's Greatest Show (and Tell!) returns to the Eugene Science Center for a SEVENTH year of creative fun! Meet makers, hackers, artists, hobbyists, and do-it-yourself enthusiasts of all stripes ready to share their experiments and projects with you. With robots, rockets, arts and crafts, 3D printers, and more, there's something amazing around every corner! Admission…

Tot Discovery Day: Super Seasons

Explore the four seasons in our Super Seasons Tot Day. How does fur protect animals in winter? Why do leaves fall from trees? What are the colors in a rainbow? Take home a leaf rubbing. Dive into these and more in October. And don’t miss our Tot Day planetarium show at 10:30 and 11am! Tickets…

Science After School

Science After School is a new program developed in response to Friday early release days in local schools. The program is an opportunity for Kindergarten through 5th grade students (and the home school equivalent) to explore science in a fun, hands-on setting. Science After School is led by experienced STEM educators and incorporates both structured…

Extended Open Hours

NEW THIS FALL! We're staying open later on Fridays which means you can keep enjoying science 'til sunset! Starting September 7, we will be open every Friday from 10am - 7pm with public planetarium shows. See our planetarium calendar for showtimes and descriptions.

Science After School

Science After School is a new program developed in response to Friday early release days in local schools. The program is an opportunity for Kindergarten through 5th grade students (and the home school equivalent) to explore science in a fun, hands-on setting. Science After School is led by experienced STEM educators and incorporates both structured…

No School Day Workshop: Geology

On select no-school days, kids can put their creative minds to work exploring different aspects of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). For students in Grades K - 5 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM * Friday October 12th: Explore rocks, minerals, and fossils while solving a geologic mystery! Price: $45 ** Note: Registration for this…


Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Extended Open Hours

NEW THIS FALL! We're staying open later on Fridays which means you can keep enjoying science 'til sunset! Starting September 7, we will be open every Friday from 10am - 7pm with public planetarium shows. See our planetarium calendar for showtimes and descriptions.

Feathered Friends

Birds of a feather flock together for Feathered Friends Day at Eugene Science Center. Meet avian experts from Exotic Bird Rescue of Oregon and some of their fine, feathered friends. See live birds, up close and personal, and take a closer look at some talons, feathers, owl pellets and other fascinating specimens. This special event…

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Science After School

Science After School is a new program developed in response to Friday early release days in local schools. The program is an opportunity for Kindergarten through 5th grade students (and the home school equivalent) to explore science in a fun, hands-on setting. Science After School is led by experienced STEM educators and incorporates both structured…

Extended Open Hours

NEW THIS FALL! We're staying open later on Fridays which means you can keep enjoying science 'til sunset! Starting September 7, we will be open every Friday from 10am - 7pm with public planetarium shows. See our planetarium calendar for showtimes and descriptions.

Parents’ Night Out: Magnificent Moon

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Need a night out? Don’t hire a sitter, drop the kids off at Eugene Science Center! Parents’ Night Out is a chance for parents to take a break (or date night) while their kids have a blast with our educators. The evening includes dinner, museum exploration time, hands-on educational games, activities, a snack, and a…

Early STEM Storytime

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 - 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

Science After School

Science After School is a new program developed in response to Friday early release days in local schools. The program is an opportunity for Kindergarten through 5th grade students (and the home school equivalent) to explore science in a fun, hands-on setting. Science After School is led by experienced STEM educators and incorporates both structured…

Extended Open Hours

NEW THIS FALL! We're staying open later on Fridays which means you can keep enjoying science 'til sunset! Starting September 7, we will be open every Friday from 10am - 7pm with public planetarium shows. See our planetarium calendar for showtimes and descriptions.

Mad Scientists’ Halloween Extravaganza!

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

  Saturday October 27th | Noon - 6 p.m. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is celebrating its 200th anniversary, yet its themes continue to resonate in our technological age and raise new, complex questions about the nature of life, our role as creators, and our responsibilities to the things we bring into the world. This special Halloween…


Crawly Critters Meet & Greet with Amazon Joes

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Local Exotic pet store, Amazon Joes, will be visiting us for a meet and greet with some of their crawly critters! Come learn about snakes, spiders, and more  - included with general admission.

Tot Discovery Day: Glow in the Dark Science

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Join us as Tot Day explores science that glows in the dark in a tot-friendly lit environment. What causes plants, animals and objects to glow in the dark? What is bioluminescence? Create your own take home glowing material and more! Admission to Tot Day is $10 for the first adult-child pair, $2 for each extra…

ColdFire Pints for Science Fundraiser

ColdFire Brewing Company 263 Mill St., Eugene, Oregon

November 21, 2018 Jon us Wednesday, November 21st at Coldfire Brewing Company for Pints for Science! From 4pm to 10pm, $1 from every pint sold will go to support the Eugene Science Center and Hands-on Science Education for our community. Come down and enjoy quality craft beers while supporting a great local cause  

Plank Town Brewing Fundraiser

Plank Town Brewing 346 Main St., Springfield, OR, United States

Tuesday, November 27th Turn your Giving Tuesday into a fun Tuesday Night Out!! Come on down to Plank Town Brewing Company tonight from 5pm to 9pm and support the Eugene Science Center. 10% of all food and beverage purchased during this time will benefit the Eugene Science Center and our educational programs. Hope to see…

Viking Braggot Fundraiser

Viking Braggot Company 2490 Willamette St., Eugene, OR

December 1, 2018 Join us Saturday, December 1st at Viking Braggot Company at 2490 Willamette St. where $1 from every pint sold will be donated to the Eugene Science Center. Come down and enjoy quality craft beers while supporting a great local cause!

Claim 52 Fundraiser

Claim 52 Kitchen 1203 Willamette St. #140, Eugene, OR

Join us Tuesday, December 4th at Claim 52 Kitchen where $1 from every pint sold will be donated to the Eugene Science Center. Come down and enjoy quality craft beers while supporting a great local cause!

Tot Discovery Day: Joys of Noise

Noise is everywhere in our world. How is sound made? How does sound impact water? Create your own musical instrument to take home in our Joys of Noise Tot Day! Admission to Tot Day is $10 for the first adult-child pair, $2 for each extra child, $5 for each extra adult, and FREE for Eugene…

Parents’ Night Out

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

Saturday, December 8th Tinkering Toy Shop: Tinker and design your own take-home toys and learn to code a robot with Eugene Women in Tech! Parents’ Night Out is a chance for parents to take a break (or date night) while their kids have a blast with our educators. The evening includes dinner, museum exploration time,…


Grati-Tuesday at Oregon Wine LAB

Oregon Wine LAB 488 Lincoln St., Eugene, United States

December 11, 2018 Join us Tuesday, December 11th at Oregon Wine LAB where 10% of all sales will be donated Eugene Science Center.  Come down and enjoy quality wine and beer while supporting a great local cause!  

Early STEM Storytime

Eugene Science Center 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene, OR, United States

EARLY S.T.E.M. STORYTIME SECOND, THIRD & FOURTH FRIDAYS OF EACH MONTH 11 – 11:30 AM | AGES 0-5 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 10:30 PRE-K PLANETARIUM SHOWS Jump start your preschooler into S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education with the Eugene Science Center’s new storytime. Join our engaging educators as we read a story and lead a…

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